What Philosophical-ism should I write about?
Well... Moments ago really know what I want to write about. But now, after searching high and low for all those -isms. I decided that to write about...
Why probabilism? What makes it so special?
Probabilism (from Latin is probare: to test, approve) holds that in the absence of certainty, and that probability is the best criterion.
How can you be sure that what you know is what you really know? How can you prove you exist?
The point I'm putting across to you all is, we cannot be sure that anything can happen for sure (if we can we would be sons and daughters of millionaires now but we can't be certain that that will happen, can we?) or that something is for certain. Thus I bring to you all, probability.
Its going to rain! But a probabilist would say. It might rain.
Its daytime now. A probabilist would say. Could it be night?
I'm not so sure what I'm driving at now. A probabilist is almost like a skeptic. A probabilist is likely to question all possible outcomes. I would dare say a probabilist who explore all ways would be one who receives more insights from his/her surroundings, peers and other references.
In the end, you will hear the probabilist asking himself. What are the odds that what I learned is real?
So what do you all think about probablism? Well... Doesn't sound so interesting does it? Well... In any case, probablism probably applies to me quite a bit... I love to think about all the possible outcomes of everything and just talk about the funniest (or in my friends term, lamest) outcomes.
Think about it. The chances of going into what we called "screen-saver mode" in lectures and tutorial is fairly high, why not just entertain yourself by exploring the possible outcomes of anything and everything that is happening around you? You may even learn something from what others call daydreaming!
Monday, April 03, 2006
What Philosophical-ism should I write about?
Posted by
6:09 AM
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